Ship better software, faster


Our consulting services consist in a series of 4 distinct phases.

Each phase is designed:

  • To deliver a specific outcome
  • To be pragmatic and results-oriented
  • To ideally fit your schedule without disrupting the daily workflow
  • Can be conducted in a standalone manner or as part of a broader engagement

1. Performance Improvement Scan

Our Performance Improvement Scan serves as the foundational step in our consulting engagement, offering comprehensive insight into your organization's current performance status and pathways for improvement.

Performance Improvement ScanPerformance Improvement Scan

Over a few weeks, depending on project size and team availability. Requires minimal time commitment.

1-on-1, one-hour interviews with software executives and team members. Workshops on an as-needed basis. On site or remote.

Scan report providing full visibility of your organization's current performance, with Performance Score, areas for improvement with associated severity and expert recommendations for improvement.

Packaged pricing based on project size.

2. Strategy Definition

In co-creation, we help you rethink specific aspects of the way you work based on the Performance Improvement Scan results, your objectives and our high performance practices, and define a strategy to successfully implement change.

Every company is different and we believe that your involvement in defining the strategy is essential to making it a success in your specific situation.

Over a few weeks, depending on project size and availability of software executives + technical team leaders.

Meetings/workshops with software executives first, then with the technical team leaders. On site or remote.

Comprehensive strategy document outlining a clear vision, objectives, and a roadmap for change implementation, including risk identification and mitigation strategies, as well as success KPIs.

Packaged pricing based on project size.

3. Making Change Happen

Because we know from experience that the real challenge lies in the implementation of change, we accompany our clients every step of the way to make change happen.

We provide advice & guidance either periodically to make sure things stay on track for success, or as needed to help you overcome daily challenges.

Throughout the change implementation process. Periodic advisory sessions and/or as needed.

30-minute remote sessions with software executives and/or technical team leaders to provide expert advice & guidance.

Expert advice & guidance to overcome a specific challenge.

Per session.

4. Training & Capability Building

Training & capability building is essential to equip the entire team, from software executives to developers, with the necessary knowledge and skills to sustain the improvements and foster a culture of continuous performance enhancement within the organization.

At the end of the change implementation process and as as necessary thereafter.

Training sessions and workshops. On site or remote.

Transfer of our expertise to the client's team.

Per session.

The Benefits

Cost Reduction
Improved Time to Market
Increased Innovation
Improved Competitiveness
Easier Team Management
Increased Customer Satisfaction
Increased Revenues
And Much More

Featured Case

Cuustomer: Going to Market in 3 Months

Our Bold Clients


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